About us
Asociace korozních inženýrů, z.s. / Association of Czech and Slovak Corrosion Engineers (AKI) is a non-profit organisation established by corrosion protection and surface treatment experts in 1990. Members of AKI are companies, researchers, corrosion engineers, corrosion protection practitioners and further persons active or interested in the field of corrosion protection in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
Based on several studies, economic losses caused by corrosion are estimated to 3–5 % of gross domestic product (GDP) in developed countries. For the Czech Republic, the losses can be expected to be close to 200 billion CZK each year, which equals to 20 thousand CZK per capita and year. For comparison, direct damages due to fires and public prevention costs were around 220 and 810 CZK a year from 2006 to 2010, respectively, i.e. 20 times less. Most part of corrosion losses is hidden in costs of commonplace products we use on daily basis such as electric power, cars, roofing materials, electronic devices or food. Corrosion losses include costs of replacement of damaged devices, products or constructions, backup solutions, corrosion additions, systems of corrosion protection, loss of productivity, environmental and health damages and others.
AKI aims to help decreasing corrosion losses by providing information and educating students, practitioners and public, as well as by improving general awareness of the importance of corrosion protection.
AKI is active in the following areas:
- Promotion of corrosion research and protection with the goal to increase the interest of students, practitioners and public in this field.
- Sharing of information and publication activities. AKI organizes the annual conference Corrosion and corrosion protection and publishes the journal Material corrosion and protection (Koroze a ochrana materiálu). In 2017, AKI organized the largest European corrosion congress, EUROCORR. There were 1530 participants from all over the world coming to Prague and sharing their knowledge. AKI also participates in preparation of information materials. In AKI Bulletin, we publish corrosion news, invitations to relevant conferences and further useful information.
- Education. AKI organizes 120-hour course Corrosion Engineer for experts from industry each year and shorter seminars and training courses on specific subjects.
- Consultation and expert services.We help companies and people looking for corrosion expertise to find relevant counterparts. Feel free to contact us regarding whatever corrosion problem.
- Collaboration with international corrosion organisations. AKI is a member of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), World Corrosion Organization (WCO) and nominates representatives to the International Corrosion Council (ICC).
AKI is steered by the Board of Administrators elected for four years by the General Assembly. The Board of Administrators for 2016–2019 has the following members:
Prezident | doc. Ing. Jan Stoulil, Ph.D. (VŠCHT Praha) |
1. viceprezident | doc. Ing. Tomáš Prošek, Ph.D. (Technopark Kralupy) |
2. viceprezident | Ing. Petr Szelag (Pragochema) |
Členové výboru | Ing. Kristýna Ernestová (AQUA S.P.P.) Ing. Kateřina Kreislová, Ph.D. (SVÚOM) Ing. Jakub Ludvík (VŠCHT Praha, Corezinc) prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, CSc. (VŠCHT Praha) Ing. Tereza Pražanová (SV metal) RNDr. Jiří Sikač, CSc. Ing. Petr Strzyž (AČSZ) Ing. Václav Šefl, Ph.D. (Technopark Kralupy) Ing. Martin Vosecký, Ph.D. (Nalco Water, An Ecolab Company) doc. Ing. Jaromír Wasserbauer, Ph.D. (VUT Brno) Ing. Martin Zmrzlý, Ph.D. (TDK Electronics) |
Conformity with the AKI statutes is verified by the Supervisory Commission elected by the General Assembly as well. It is composed of Milan Kouřil, Ondřej Chocholatý and Jaroslav Fojt.
Editor-in-chief of the journal Material corrosion and protection (Koroze a ochrana materiálu)
Secretary of AKI is Anna Knaislová
2018 Tisková zpráva Cena za nejlepší závěrečnou práci pro Barboru Šopovou.pdf | 200 kB | ||
2019 Tisková zpráva Cena za nejlepší závěrečnou práci pro Lenku Rieszovou.pdf | 150 kB | ||
2019 Zápis z členské schůze.pdf | 4.2 MB | ||
2020 Tisková zpráva Cena Milana Pražáka pro Vladimíra Kučeru.pdf | 410 kB | ||
2020 Tisková zpráva Cena za inovativní počin v oblasti protikorozní ochrany pro FK System.pdf | 820 kB | ||
2020 Tisková zpráva Cena za nejlepší závěrečnou práci pro Václava Kytku.pdf | 150 kB | ||
2021 Tisková zpráva Cena Milana Pražáka pro Jaroslava Bystrianského.pdf | 150 kB | ||
2022 Tisková zpráva Cena za inovativní výrobek v oblasti protikorozní ochrany pro COREZINC.pdf | 730 kB | ||
2023 Obchodní podmínky AKI.pdf | 150 kB | ||
2023 Tisková zpráva Cena za inovativní výrobek v oblasti protikorozní ochrany pro firmu GEMA.pdf | 320 kB | ||
2023 tisková zpráva cena za nejlepší závěrečnou práci pro Jana Pokorného.pdf | 400 kB | ||
AKI-Cena-za-inovativni-pocin-v-oblasti-protikorozni-ochrany.pdf | 560 kB | ||
Cena Milana Pražáka.pdf | 250 kB | ||
Cena-za-nejlepsi-zaverecnou-praci.pdf | 440 kB | ||
Letak-cena-za-nejlepsi-bakalarskou-nebo-diplomovou-praci.pdf | 410 kB | ||
Logo_CZ.pdf | 770 kB | ||
Logo_EN.pdf | 790 kB | ||
Stanovy.pdf | 2.9 MB |